Book: The Phantoms of Copenhagen – the medium Einer Nielsen

Materialisation – Die Phantome von Kopenhagen – Das Medium Einer Nielsen, Autor: Dr. Hans Gerloff, Dr. Gerlach´sche Verlagsbuchhandlung München, 1956
Chapter 4: Telekinesis (movement from afar) – additional comments to telepathy and telekinesis
Page 41: “Telekinesis also includes vibrations and acoustic phenomena. The author (Dr. Hans Gerloff*) experienced in January 1953, while attending a session of Dr. Carl Nebel in Göttingen, that the 1 ¼ Zentner (125 kgs*) heavy oak dining table, which had many times risen before from the floor to hover in the air, now produced an immense humming and rattling sound coming from the table slab. This repeated itself four times. It felt like a truck, loaded with heavy iron parts, rushing past on the street or as if an aeroplane at low altitude flew past with an earsplitting noise.”
* = comments of PK-Collection