Thoughtography – The PSI photo-images of Ted Serios – with an introduction of Prof. Dr. Hans Bender, author: Dr. med. Jule Eisenbud, publishing house: Aurum Verlag GmbH & Co KG, Freiburg in the Breisgau, 1975, ISBN 3 591 00002 7
Book: Thoughtography – The PSI photo-images of Ted Serios
Introduction of PK collection: Ted Serios was able to project photos onto a Polaroid film by thinking of them. In the process, the camera of a person was set up at a distance of approx. 60 cm, pointing towards his face and triggered by his command. When the resulting image was negative, only his face could be seen on the photos. But when it was positive, so-called “blackies” and “whities” appeared and in an ideal case, different pictures, like the one described below, could be seen.
Chapter: Pressing on
Page 54: “Again Ted tried to get positive results. At 11:10 p.m. he told us, that he was going to concentrate on Westminster Abbey again. This time he asked us to get a magazine, in an envelope, from the drawer and to hold it up in front of him. Because the flash failed during this photographie (3-9) only a blackie could be seen. Ted rested for a few minutes. He removed his socks and started to complain about headaches but he was not prepared to give up, as he had the feeling that he still could achieve something. The magazine was put back in the drawer.
Suddenly a scream came from the kitchen. Man, this is a building! Don’t you see that? – Look at it from a different angle. John entered from the kitchen with a photo from the images 4-5 which was dry now. Suddenly we could all see that it actually was a building. But I could see even more. I shouted – one moment -, opened my desk again and took out the envelope with the photograph of Westminster Abbey. I picked up the magazine a little awkwardly and opened the relevant page. I held up the magazine so that everyone could see the picture (image 9). Ted’s photograph matched a part of the Abbey’s belfry perfectly (image 10).
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