TV-Interview on “The Gold Leaf Lady”
1:41´ to 1:48´ minute
„To my great suprise and horror actually for the next 3 hours I watched my table rising in the air“. Source: University of Maryland
TV-Interview on “The Gold Leaf Lady”
1:41´ to 1:48´ minute
„To my great suprise and horror actually for the next 3 hours I watched my table rising in the air“. Source: University of Maryland
Book: Parapsychology
Chapter: The secured facts
Page 78: „Probable is me after what I experienced with Schrenck at Willi and Rudi Schneider and which is laid down over both and over Eusapia Palladino in the literature, the authenticity of telekinesis and perhaps also from fragmentary materialization.“
Book: Thoughtography – The PSI photo-images of Ted Serios
Introduction of PK collection: Ted Serios was able to project photos onto a Polaroid film by thinking of them. In the process, the camera of a person was set up at a distance of approx. 60 cm, pointing towards his face and triggered by his command. When the resulting image was negative, only his face could be seen on the photos. But when it was positive, so-called “blackies” and “whities” appeared and in an ideal case, different pictures, like the one described below, could be seen.
Chapter: Pressing on
Page 54: “Again Ted tried to get positive results. At 11:10 p.m. he told us, that he was going to concentrate on Westminster Abbey again. This time he asked us to get a magazine, in an envelope, from the drawer and to hold it up in front of him. Because the flash failed during this photographie (3-9) only a blackie could be seen. Ted rested for a few minutes. He removed his socks and started to complain about headaches but he was not prepared to give up, as he had the feeling that he still could achieve something. The magazine was put back in the drawer.
Suddenly a scream came from the kitchen. Man, this is a building! Don’t you see that? – Look at it from a different angle. John entered from the kitchen with a photo from the images 4-5 which was dry now. Suddenly we could all see that it actually was a building. But I could see even more. I shouted – one moment -, opened my desk again and took out the envelope with the photograph of Westminster Abbey. I picked up the magazine a little awkwardly and opened the relevant page. I held up the magazine so that everyone could see the picture (image 9). Ted’s photograph matched a part of the Abbey’s belfry perfectly (image 10).
Book: Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research – The Scole Report
Chapter: The Los Angeles Sitting
Page 356: “It was clear from viewing the table tabs that on more than one occasion the table was moving. First it took the form of a wobble; then it shifted about one metre to MK´s right before returning to its position in the centre of the room, to the accompaniment of astonished comments and gasps from the sitters. The table then rose three quarters of a metre in the air.”
Book: Clairvoyance and Teleplastic
Chapter: Experiments of materialization with Kluski
Page 218: „Under the various important phenomena (which should be described on another occasion), I saw a long, fine hand on the end of an arm that formed in front of my eyes. This hand slowly moved through our circle towards the Medium and Mrs. Geley and touched them. It was a very nice masculine hand with a very slender wrist.“
Chapter: Movements of objects without touch
Page 262: „Suddenly we saw the paraffin pot and the heating device which it was standing on (total weight 8.35 kg), be lifted in mid air. The objects gently floated over our heads and were softly placed on the floor behind and to the right of the medium.“ Continue reading
Book: The Traffic with the Spirit Word – Laws and Purpose
Chapter: The Medium Kluski
Page 224: “f) Generally animal phantoms1 show themselves mostly as squirrels, dogs and cats. On one occasion a lion came and on another occasion a large bird, a hawk or buzzard. I, myself, saw the two first mentioned phenomena.”
1 = materializations of animals (remark of PK-Collection)
Book: Experiments in Movement from afar
Chapter: Further records of scientifically interested participants
Page 135: “When I review my observations with Willi Sch., I come to the overall conclusion that in this medium there were real telekineses as well as real materializations in rich abundance. For example, the telekineses were moving and lifting smaller and larger objects such as luminous rings, a table bell, a handkerchief, a tambourine, straw tables, a paper basket, an oak table, a heavy piano stool, etc., and also, a game box, at the command of the participants. The telekinesis was ideally located at a distance of 1 m to 1 m 20 cm from the medium, but also greater and smaller distances were observed. The phenomena showed on the one hand a marked elegance and precision in the execution of movements, and on the other hand, sometimes a very significant force. The time from the start of trance until the occurrence of the first phenomenon was very different, sometimes up to 3 hours, but then the phenomena followed continuously in rapid succession when the inhibitions apparently often existing, were overcome. The materializations consisted of the appearance of more or less well-defined hands near the red light lamp, then again in the sudden appearance of more amorphous, flat, grey structures, finally in the formation of the shadow of larger or smaller hands, paws or blunt formations on a light plate. I have also noticed contact by stumps or hands in several sessions. Of great interest, however, was the observation that – apparently regularly – the telekinetic process was preceded by a materialization process. The manner in which the individual objects were passed through the air was by the existence of a material moving organ – we obtained the proof of this assumption by direct observation. Firstly, in the experiments using the gauze cage, approximately 75 cm above the ground to the right of the medium in the direct path of the objects to be moved, an expansion of the gauze netting was found as if a narrow elastic, rod-like body had been pressed through the wall. Moreover, in the experiment with the raising of the handkerchief, it was clearly felt as if the cloth had been laid or held by a movable hand-like limb. At the lifting of the little table one could see how a bright ring was lifted off the table, then apparently pushed over the end of a limb-like stump, which then pushed itself under the table and raised it up. Then I was able to observe how, in the light of the red light lamp, a dark green small hand-like structure lifted a light ring at the edge of the table, and in the last sessions, in the light of the lamp, various telekinetic phenomena were perfectly produced by a movable limb covered with the cloth by lifting and ringing the bell, picking up and putting down of the game box, etc. This proves that, in our case, telekinesis and materialization were the same, that is, only different forms of expression for the same basic parapsychological process – a brilliant confirmation of the earlier claims of Schrenck-Notzing, Ochorowicz, Crawford. Continue reading
Book: Possession and Exorcism – My Life
Chapter: Materializations
Page 145: “Her body exuded many small stones, namely through the skin, not through the body orifices.”