Book: Teleplasma and Telekinesis – results of my two years experimental sittings with the Berlin Medium Maria Vollhart

Teleplasma und Telekinese – Ergebnisse meiner zweijährigen Experimentalsitzungen mit dem Berliner Medium Maria Vollhart, Autor: Dr. med. Friedrich Schwab, Pyramidenverlag Dr. Schwarz & Co. GmbH, Berlin 1923
Chapter: Telekinesises and Apports
Page 28: “The levitation of the medium herself took place occasionally. I have seen it happen about 10-12 times, twice under the most rigorous conditions. The medium is in deep trance (she always falls into deep trance first) and then she gets up from the chair and stands at her place – her hands are still controlled. The medium begins to moan and gasp, as if she is being choked sounding like a woman in labor. Her feet leave the floor now, the chair is free and pushed backwards. Her hands are lifted off the table. After 2-3 minutes the medium fells slowly back and wakes up very gradually, feeling exhausted, the session must be cancelled. She suffers from a sleepless night and a headache. The next day as well as tightness and pain in all of her extremities. On some occasions other participants and/or myself had placed our hand under her feet; in one case they were about 30 cm above the ground.”