Book: Physical Phenomena of Mediumism
Chapter: Movements and lifting of small untouched objects
Page 26: “Suddenly the spoon raised about 25 cm high in the air from out of the glass through a jerk caused by lifting of the hands, remains a moment in a free-floating position and then falls back on the table.”
Page 36: “Then the 30 cm tall scale raises on it´s own ca. 10 cm high in the air.”
Chapter: Table levitation with and without contact
Page 55: “Under these conditions the table uplifted including all 4 legs 30 cm high in the air, remained a few seconds floating and then fell down.”
Page 59: “9:48 pm. All present (Dr. Schrenck-Notzing, Dr. Albrecht, Dr. Loeb, Eusapia) stand up. Eusapia stretches out her hands in front of her. The table is 1 m away from her and the narrow side facing her rises up with its feet off the ground.”
Chapter: Impact to inanimate objects by Eusapia Paladino
Page 56: “Author is located on the left side of the medium next to Professor Ochorowicz. While Eusapia has both of her hands on the right shoulder of O., following which for 4 seconds the table completely and constantly lifts in the air (30 cm high).”
Page 72: “Suddenly the tambourine pulls away in front of my eyes, bounces three times on the carpet and jumps on to the lap of Princess R, who is seated next to Eusapia.”
Page 76: “At 9:45 pm with Eusapia´s torso in full view the accordion, which hangs in the basket plays and the 65 cm high basket (with a diameter of 45 cm) is brought floating to the height of Eusapia´s head.”
Chapter: Physical phenomena of private mediums
Page 111: “9:23 pm a full table levitation without physical contact of the medium touching the table including the table top was confirmed by the controls.”
Chapter: Crawford experimental investigations in the field of mediumistic telekinesis
Page 127: “The experiments showed that the closest area under and next to the medium were being uses during the levitation. During the time the table floated in the air, Mr. Crawford pushed a spring scale gently along the floor until it was under the table. It was at no time in contact with the table legs or table top. There was a space of at least 54 cm between the scale and the underside of the table. The result was, that the table that was floating very still began to flutter around like an injured bird and sank slowly to the ground.