Book: Clairvoyance and Teleplastic
Chapter: Experiments of materialization with Kluski
Page 218: „Under the various important phenomena (which should be described on another occasion), I saw a long, fine hand on the end of an arm that formed in front of my eyes. This hand slowly moved through our circle towards the Medium and Mrs. Geley and touched them. It was a very nice masculine hand with a very slender wrist.“
Chapter: Movements of objects without touch
Page 262: „Suddenly we saw the paraffin pot and the heating device which it was standing on (total weight 8.35 kg), be lifted in mid air. The objects gently floated over our heads and were softly placed on the floor behind and to the right of the medium.“
Chapter: Materialization of animal forms
Page 264: „Materialization of animal forms happen quite often with Franek (medium). In the reports of sittings in Warsaw made by the Society of Psychic Research, we are made aware of a large black bird that has appeared in several sittings and has been photographed. Also a strange entity, which is a cross between an ape and a human and of human size. It has an apelike face but with a flatly developed forehead. The body and face are thickly covered in hair. The arms are long and the hands are strong. It always seems excited and takes and licks the hands of those in attendance, just as a dog would do. This being that we named “Pithecanthropus” appeared several times during our sitting.”
Chapter: Materializations
Page 293: „Right at the beginning, I see how an opaque mass moves in front of the lit up gap between the lampshade and the table and that two fingers extend from it. The fingers grasp a pencil, which lies on a piece of paper on the table. A moment later, I see the pencil standing upright writing.“
Book: Layout of the Parapsychology and Parapsychophysikcs
Chapter: Dr. Geley report about Eva
Page 415: „From Eva’s mouth, two finger width strips of white substance slowly sink to her knee. This band takes on manifold shapes before our eyes. It pulls itself together, it stretches, narrows, and once more swells and expands. Here and there extensions protrude from the mass, a kind of pseudopod, and these pseudopods occasionally take on the shape of fingers or partial hands for few seconds, only to return back to the mass again. Finally, the band pulls itself together and lengthens itself on Eva’s knee. One end lifts itself and separates from the medium, then moves toward me. I watch this end swell and form a bud that then develops to a fully modeled hand. I touch this hand which feels normal. I can feel the bones and the fingers with fingernails. The hand then tightens up upon itself and becomes smaller and smaller, finally disappearing into the end of the band.“
Book: Physical Phaenomena of the Mediumship
Chapter: Dr. Gustave Geley’s observations of Eva C.
Page 195: „Out of Eva’s mouth flows a white substance, forming a band of about two fingers width, and moves slowly down to her knees. Before our eyes, this “band” takes on different forms: it begins by spreading out into a broad, membranous perforated tissue, with empty spaces and bulges that soon draws itself in only to stretch and expand again. Here and there certain areas extend themselves into sort of pseudopods and these take on the form of fingers for a few seconds, which are the first templates of hands, but soon return to the mass. Finally, the cord pulls itself together and extends itself on Eva’s knees; then it’s end rises and moves away from the medium and comes towards me. I now see how this “end” forms a bulge which evolves into a bud and from that transforms into a completely modeled hand. I touch this hand and it feels completely normal; I feel the bones and the fingers with finger nails. After that the hand pulls itself back and becomes smaller and disappears at the end of the cord. This (end of the cord) makes a few movements and then contracts, pulling itself back into the mouth of the medium.“
„During our experiments, we have seen how the body of the medium exudes an unified amorphous substance, from which various ideoplastic shapes emerge. We saw how an undifferentiated substance organizes and transforms before our eyes. We saw a hand come out of the mass of the substance; a white mass turns into a face; we saw, within a few seconds the form of a head turning into a hand; we could through the unanimously witnessing, via touch and vision, the transformation of an amorphous, non-organized substance into an organized shape, that in that moment, appeared to have all the attributes of a living organism. We saw this form disappear, sinking back into the original substance and then watched it be reabsorbed within seconds into the medium’s body.“