Gerloff, Dr. Hans (GER)

Book: The Phantoms of Copenhagen – the medium Einer Nielsen

Materialisation – Die Phantome von Kopenhagen – Das Medium Einer Nielsen, Autor: Dr. Hans Gerloff, Dr. Gerlach´sche Verlagsbuchhandlung München, 1956

Materialisation – Die Phantome von Kopenhagen – Das Medium Einer Nielsen, Autor: Dr. Hans Gerloff, Dr. Gerlach´sche Verlagsbuchhandlung München, 1956

Chapter 4: Telekinesis (movement from afar) – additional comments to telepathy and telekinesis

Page 41: “Telekinesis also includes vibrations and acoustic phenomena. The author (Dr. Hans Gerloff*) experienced in January 1953, while attending a session of Dr. Carl Nebel in Göttingen, that the 1 ¼ Zentner (125 kgs*) heavy oak dining table, which had many times risen before from the floor to hover in the air, now produced an immense humming and rattling sound coming from the table slab. This repeated itself four times. It felt like a truck, loaded with heavy iron parts, rushing past on the street or as if an aeroplane at low altitude flew past with an earsplitting noise.”

* = comments of PK-Collection

Greber, Johannes (GER)

Book: The Traffic with the Spirit Word – Laws and Purpose

Der Verkehr mit der Geisterwelt – Gesetze und Zweck, Autor: Pastor Johannes Greber, Herausgeber: Spirituelle Christen e.V. 2003

Der Verkehr mit der Geisterwelt – Gesetze und Zweck, Autor: Pastor Johannes Greber, Herausgeber: Spirituelle Christen e.V. 2003

Chapter: The Medium Kluski

Page 224: “f) Generally animal phantoms1 show themselves mostly as squirrels, dogs and cats. On one occasion a lion came and on another occasion a large bird, a hawk or buzzard. I, myself, saw the two first mentioned phenomena.”

1 = materializations of animals (remark of PK-Collection)






Gruber, Prof. Dr. Karl (GER)

Book: Experiments in Movement from afar

Chapter: Further records of scientifically interested participants

Page 135: “When I review my observations with Willi Sch., I come to the overall conclusion that in this medium there were real telekineses as well as real materializations in rich abundance. For example, the telekineses were moving and lifting smaller and larger objects such as luminous rings, a table bell, a handkerchief, a tambourine, straw tables, a paper basket, an oak table, a heavy piano stool, etc., and also, a game box, at the command of the participants. The telekinesis was ideally located at a distance of 1 m to 1 m 20 cm from the medium, but also greater and smaller distances were observed. The phenomena showed on the one hand a marked elegance and precision in the execution of movements, and on the other hand, sometimes a very significant force. The time from the start of trance until the occurrence of the first phenomenon was very different, sometimes up to 3 hours, but then the phenomena followed continuously in rapid succession when the inhibitions apparently often existing, were overcome. The materializations consisted of the appearance of more or less well-defined hands near the red light lamp, then again in the sudden appearance of more amorphous, flat, grey structures, finally in the formation of the shadow of larger or smaller hands, paws or blunt formations on a light plate. I have also noticed contact by stumps or hands in several sessions. Of great interest, however, was the observation that – apparently regularly – the telekinetic process was preceded by a materialization process. The manner in which the individual objects were passed through the air was by the existence of a material moving organ – we obtained the proof of this assumption by direct observation. Firstly, in the experiments using the gauze cage, approximately 75 cm above the ground to the right of the medium in the direct path of the objects to be moved, an expansion of the gauze netting was found as if a narrow elastic, rod-like body had been pressed through the wall. Moreover, in the experiment with the raising of the handkerchief, it was clearly felt as if the cloth had been laid or held by a movable hand-like limb. At the lifting of the little table one could see how a bright ring was lifted off the table, then apparently pushed over the end of a limb-like stump, which then pushed itself under the table and raised it up. Then I was able to observe how, in the light of the red light lamp, a dark green small hand-like structure lifted a light ring at the edge of the table, and in the last sessions, in the light of the lamp, various telekinetic phenomena were perfectly produced by a movable limb covered with the cloth by lifting and ringing the bell, picking up and putting down of the game box, etc. This proves that, in our case, telekinesis and materialization were the same, that is, only different forms of expression for the same basic parapsychological process – a brilliant confirmation of the earlier claims of Schrenck-Notzing, Ochorowicz, Crawford.  Continue reading

Grunewald, Fritz Ing. (GER)

Book: Physical-mediumistic investigations

Physikalisch-mediumistische Untersuchungen, Autor: Ingenieur Fritz Grunewald, Verlag: Johannes Baum, Pfullingen in Württemberg 1920

Physikalisch-mediumistische Untersuchungen, Autor: Ingenieur Fritz Grunewald, Verlag: Johannes Baum, Pfullingen in Württemberg 1920

Chapter: Table Sessions
Page 24: “More convincing than the usual tilting phenomena, are in the cases of the lifting of tables off the floor. Especially when seen that the raised table remains in the air for a long time in it’s floating position, as I have seen in individual cases for the duration of approx. 15 seconds.”

Hasted, Prof. John (GB)

Book: The Metal-Benders

The Metal-Benders (Die Metall-Bieger), Autor: Prof. John Hasted, Verlag: Routledge & Kegan Paul London, 1981, ISBN 0-7100-0597-0

The Metal-Benders (Die Metall-Bieger), Autor: Prof. John Hasted, Verlag: Routledge & Kegan Paul London, 1981, ISBN 0-7100-0597-0

Chapter: An introduction to metal-bending: involvement of the author

Page 18: “A sudden event observed in an early session of Uri Geller in my laboratory was the bending without touch of a disc-shaped single crystal of molybdenum of about 1 cm diameter. This had been provided by Dr. Anthony Lee of the Cavendis Laboratory, and I personally kept it secure in a plastic box in my pocket before its exposure to Gellers´s “action”. Physicists David Bohm, Ted Bastin, Jack Sarfatt and also Brendan O´Regan were present as witnesses. Geller asked for small metal objects to be placed for him on a large metal plate, so we placed on the table a machine-shop working plate. I took the crystal from its box and put it absolutely flat on the plate. Sarfatt extended his hand a few inches above the crystal and the other objects on the plate. Geller moved his hand above Sarfatt´s, until a tingling sensation was reported by the latter. Geller tried to “concentrate his actions”, and it was suddenly seen by the observers that the crystal had changed its shape, and was now slightly bent, through an angle of about 20°. I could not swear that the bending was not accompanied by a tiny metallic sound. But I was absolutely certain that neither Geller nor anyone else had touched the crystal since I placed it on the metal plate; nor did he drop anything on the metal plate. I replaced the crystal in its box, which I returned to my pocket; a physical examination of the crystal would be necessary. I eventually found that a physical property (the magnetic susceptibility) of the crystal was anomalous, but I have not previously published this fact.”

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Hofmann, Prof. Hellmut (A)

Book: PSI the “other reality”

PSI die „andere Wirklichkeit“, Autor: Prof. Dr. Hellmut Hofmann, Verlag Edition va Bene, Wien 2001, ISBN 3-85167-111-2

PSI die „andere Wirklichkeit“, Autor: Prof. Dr. Hellmut Hofmann, Verlag Edition va Bene, Wien 2001, ISBN 3-85167-111-2

Chapter: The spoon bender Uri Geller
Page 84: “Clearly it was seen that the point of the key bent itself slowly upwards. The tape recordings has proved that the bending process took approximately ten seconds.”

Kerner, Dr. Justinus (GER)

Book: The Seer of Prevorst

Die Seherin von Prevorst, Autor: Dr. med. Justinus Kerner, J. F. Steinkopf Verlag, Kiel 2012, ISBN 978-3-7984-0815-9

Die Seherin von Prevorst, Autor: Dr. med. Justinus Kerner, J. F. Steinkopf Verlag, Kiel 2012, ISBN 978-3-7984-0815-9

Chapter: Emergence of the magnetic state
Page 33: You saw various items, for example very often the silver spoon which was removed and from her hand in placed on the plate quite a distance from her, without fallen like being thrown. They moved very slowly through the air as if carried by an invisible hand to where they belonged.”

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Koch, Dr. Kurt E. (GER)

Book: Possession and Exorcism – My Life

Besessenheit und Exorzismus – Aus meinem Leben – Teile VII-VII, Autor: Dr. Kurt E. Koch, Brunnen Verlag, Basel 1981

Besessenheit und Exorzismus – Aus meinem Leben – Teile VII-VII, Autor: Dr. Kurt E. Koch, Brunnen Verlag, Basel 1981

Chapter: Materializations
Page 145: “Her body exuded many small stones, namely through the skin, not through the body orifices.”

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Lebrecht-Thümel, Dr. Olga (GER)

Book: Experiments in Movement from afar

Chapter: Further recordings from scientifically interested session participants

Page 151: Due to the kindness of Dr. Baron von Schrenck-Notzing I was granted the privilege of attending more than 49 experimental sessions with the medium Willi Sch. They were held in the private laboratory of Dr. v.Schrenck as well as in the rooms of the psychological institute of the University in Munich. More than thirty times I took control of the medium myself during the experiments. Therefore, I can now be emboldened to pass judgement with as much certainty as an experimenter can have concerning his own perception.

When handing over control, the medium puts himself completely in the hands of the controller. I held Willis’ wrists with both of my hands or took both of his hands into mine. His two feet were either constrained by mine or pressed against the chair legs in such way, that I could always secure them. The medium’s head was either lying on my lap or against my shoulder. This position ensured a close contact and controlling the medium was easy, because one could sense every twitch and every slight movement of his body. On the contrary, he never tried to escape this control with any limb of his body. Shortly before the phenomena appeared or during its presence, he always sought close contact with the controller, as if he was looking for protection or help. He literarily pressed himself against him by – for example – squeezing my hands until it hurt. His behaviour proved in every way that the physical contact was a source of power for him. He has never found the control to be a strain. During the appearances – especially of the telekinetic phenomena – I always watched the position of his feet and could never detect any suspicious movement from them. He would never move his feet at all. Even when Count Klinckowstroen believed to have felt one, I was sure that the feet never left their place. It would have been impossible for Willi to make an unobserved movement due to the position I had adopted. It was especially interesting to be able to exercise this kind of control and not only because it was a very impressive experience, to virtually imprison the medium and at the same time to be able to see objects moving in a remote place (approx. 1,20 metres). In fact, to see a movement which had truly nothing to do with the natural limbs of the medium. But what makes it especially interesting is the fact that only in this way does one have the occasion to observe the materialisation of the phenomena at close range.

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