Schwab, Dr. Friedrich (GER)

Book: Teleplasma and Telekinesis – results of my two years experimental sittings with the Berlin Medium Maria Vollhart

Teleplasma und Telekinese – Ergebnisse meiner zweijährigen Experimentalsitzungen mit dem Berliner Medium Maria Vollhart, Autor: Dr. med. Friedrich Schwab, Pyramidenverlag Dr. Schwarz & Co. GmbH, Berlin 1923

Teleplasma und Telekinese – Ergebnisse meiner zweijährigen Experimentalsitzungen mit dem Berliner Medium Maria Vollhart, Autor: Dr. med. Friedrich Schwab, Pyramidenverlag Dr. Schwarz & Co. GmbH, Berlin 1923

Chapter: Telekinesises and Apports
Page 28: “The levitation of the medium herself took place occasionally. I have seen it happen about 10-12 times, twice under the most rigorous conditions. The medium is in deep trance (she always falls into deep trance first) and then she gets up from the chair and stands at her place – her hands are still controlled. The medium begins to moan and gasp, as if she is being choked sounding like a woman in labor. Her feet leave the floor now, the chair is free and pushed backwards. Her hands are lifted off the table. After 2-3 minutes the medium fells slowly back and wakes up very gradually, feeling exhausted, the session must be cancelled. She suffers from a sleepless night and a headache. The next day as well as tightness and pain in all of her extremities. On some occasions other participants and/or myself had placed our hand under her feet; in one case they were about 30 cm above the ground.”

Zöllner, Prof. Dr. Friedr. (GER)

Book: The Fourth Dimension and Occultism – about the fourth dimension and Zöllner’s spiritual experiments with Henry Slade.

The Fourth Dimension and Occultism – about the fourth dimension and Zöllner’s spiritual experiments with Henry Slade, author: Dr. Friedrich Zöllner, publishing house: Bohmeier Leipzig 2008, ISBN 978-3-89094-573-06

The Fourth Dimension and Occultism – about the fourth dimension and Zöllner’s spiritual experiments with Henry Slade, author: Dr. Friedrich Zöllner, publishing house: Bohmeier Leipzig 2008, ISBN 978-3-89094-573-06

Chapter: Zöllner’s experiments with Slade

Page 85: “In the session of the following day – the morning of the 6th of May 11:15 a.m. In the bright sunshine I should get to witness, unexpectedly and unprepared, a much more fantastic appearance of this kind.

As usual I took a seat with Slade at the gaming table. Opposite me stood a small round table near the gaming table, as in other experiments had often been the case, exactly in the same position, as the experiments to be described below on Diagram V,   attempted to faithfully reproduce photographically. The round table is 77 centimetres high, the diameter of the table top is 46 centimetres, it is made of birch wood and weighs 4,5 kilograms.

Maybe one minute after Slade and I had sat down and had put our hands on top of each other, the round table started to sway slowly. We could both see this very clearly by watching the round table top peeking out from below the gaming table. I could not see its bottom part because the top of the gaming table was blocking it.

The movements soon got more and the whole table approached the gaming table. Then it lay itself under the gaming table – three feet pointing in my direction. Neither I – and by the looks of it – nor Mr. Slade knew how this phenomenon would develop, because for a period of one minute nothing happened.

Slade was about to make use of his board with slate writing to ask his “spirits” if we would be seeing more when I decided to investigate the position of the round table which, I presumed, was still under the gaming table. But to Slade’s and my great surprise the area under the gaming table was completely empty. We could not find the table in the whole room even though it had been perceptible to our senses just one minute ago. We seated ourselves again at the gaming table, expecting the round table to reappear. Slade sat closely at my side, at very table edge which was opposite to the one at which the round table had been standing nearby before. For about 5-6 minutes we sat full of anticipation that things would happen when suddenly Slade thought he was able to see light sparks in the air. Although I could not see anything, as usual, my eyes involuntarily followed the direction in which Slade inclined his head. All the time we kept our hands firmly on top of each other on the table top. Almost all the time, under the table, the left leg touched to its whole extent the right leg of Slade. This was due to the closeness of our seats at the same edge of the table. Slade looked in different directions in the air and asked me, more and more fearfully and astonished, if I could now notice the big light appearances.  While I emphatically denied his question, I tilted my head to the ceiling behind by back, always following Slade’s gaze. Suddenly I saw the vanished table floating with its legs in the air approx. 5 feet high and it glided down very quickly onto the top of the gaming table. Although we instinctively moved our heads sideways, Slade to the left and I to the right, so we wouldn’t get hurt by the falling table, we still got struck on the side of our heads rather violently before the round table laid down on the top of the gaming table. The impact was so strong that I could still feel the pain on the left side of my head for full four hours after this phenomenon, which took place at approx. 11:30.” Continue reading